Informations about the wind we update daily - with a look to the Internet.

Our sources are:

Farbkugel.gif (1653 Byte)for our daily looked up information of READY Farbkugel.gif (1653 Byte)

the TAFs und METARs from the airport
for the next day of windsurfing
the maps of Goldcoast
with drawn windflags
pressure maps of Europe forecast of
the 6-days-forecast wind and waves at the Atlantik with the option for a movie in 12-hours-rhythm - super ! information
about  Canaries weather
the satellite picture spanish Weather service
Super-Info of WINDGURU from Czechia (but significant just in standard situations)
the long running forecast of WETTERZENTRALE
sometimes the Segelsport-Wetterbericht  for Canaries
for waveriding interests the wave cinema

